Friday, March 14, 2014

Forex Factory Forums - They Are Great But Don't Overdo it

I'm sure if you have been around forex trading for even the slightest bit of time, you've probably been on the Forex Factory forums. Needless to say, they are the most popular on the internet. They are run extremely well and there are countless threads that you can read. If i could offer some advice, I would recommend that you don't overdo it. What I mean by this is that you don't spend hours a day on it.
When I was a newbie, I must have visited every single forex forum on the internet. You know what it gave me? A headache. How could it not??
Each day, you are listening to people tell you that they discovered "The Holy Grail" over and over again. You keep trying all the gimmicky systems that are talked about on the threads, yet you don't see any success. There's a couple of reasons for that. First off, there is no such thing as "The Holy Grail". Second of all, most of these systems that are being discussed on the forums are usually systems that are way too reliant on indicators.
Indicators are inherently lagging. If you want to find out what has already happened in the market, you follow indicators. If you want to find out what will happen, you learn how to interpret price action.
I don't want to sound as if I am insulting the forums on Forex Factory (or any other site for that matter). I've just seen first hand how it can make traders too apathetic.
John Templeton has been a successful forex trader after learning how to trade price action. Once he understood that all he needed to trade forex was on a plain chart with no indicators, his profits soared. You too could learn how to trade forex.
For more information:Click Here!

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